
i have an announcement...

so, fuck me, my apartment was full out broken into. they took the bars OFF the windows, broke the damn window and had their wasy with my apartment. i am now down one laptop and one toaster (yes, they took my damn $20 toaster). they leave the television and the stereo. whatever.

i'm never sleeping there again, and if it was at all practical, i would just leave all my stuff there and never go back. seriously.

i will take out a post office box someplace. i will be a person with no real address.

for this week, i will live @ Mark's apt (since he's out of town 'til thursday, and we're both outta town saturday, etc.). then, i will quite thankfully (as you cannot imagine what a relief this is) will show up on liz 'n kristen's doorstep with all of my stuff. not that i have that much stuff, which is good. i'm really thinking that i'm quiet tired of stuff, and i don't want any. no more stuff. you just have to haul it the hell around everywhere, and when you get there, you think "why did i pack and haul this across town??" right now, i will pack and haul all of the stuff across town because i don't want to be in my ex-apartment for one second longer than i have to, and therefore will just dump everything into boxes and run away screaming. i will stay w/ the nicest people ever (liz and kristen) until such time as i have figured out what the hell to do, but at least until after xmas, 'cause i work retail. granted, if liz 'n kristen did not exist, or did not own a sweet place, or something, i would have to get on the stick and find someplace to live. however, i just can't take it. i am at the limit. i want to put all my stuff in liz 'n kristen's basement, find the 5 things i actually need in my daily life, take them upstairs to where i'm going to sleep, and be a minimilist. just pretend i have no stuff and not worry about anything but going to work and feeding myself for awhile. after i'm able to do those two things consistantly, we'll add other life tasks one at a time until i become a functioning adult again.


*jitter jitter*

sitting very still in order to avoid physically disintegrating to into a bazillion shards of me.

things that are awsome: when people above you (in a power sense, in this case) say to you "hey, something major in your life is probably (as in i won't confirm it) about to change in a significant way that you mostly likely are not going to like, but...i don't feel like telling you now. ask me tomorrow."

ok...so this isn't technically happening to me, but the fallout will most certainly affect me, and really i'm more concerned about the person that it's actually happening to than i am about myself.

wtf, managers who should grow up, w....t....f??

at some point, i'll just get zen about the whole thing. i'll stop needing material things, and just walk away...and work at target. they seem to be hiring. i bet they give a good discount, and they sell soap, which is something that i actually need (if i want to remain in good society, anyway), as opposed to books. oh, target sells books, too? wow, i'm set. soap and books, that's all i need.


today is sunday

except, that it's tuesday.

several things conspired to make me completely convinced for a few moments that today was sunday.

at least i'm assuming that it would take more than one thing to completely throw me off, but maybe not.

i don't know why i'm so disoriented.

i have to find something to wear to my cousins wedding. really. i'm going all the way to aurora to try and make sure that happens. i can always find something there. i bought a skirt at kohl's the other day, and it's a cute skirt...on somebody who knows how to wear trendy, cute things. since this is not me, i'm going to go find my self something more my speed at ann taylor. blah.

i have to pact to go to ky. i have to remind my mother than i'm definately coming to ky.

the university xmas holiday is now dec 24 though jan 2 (including weekends) holy crap. paid holiday, mind you, paid holiday. i think it also helps that they can just leave the heat and lights off for a week and a half. thing that sucks...oh yeah, my other job that is never friggin' closed, damn them. i'm still going home for xmas and all, but not nearly for all that week or anything. maybe i can get some switches and stretch it out...


does anyone remember the Frugal Gourmet? It was a cooking show on PBS. I was in Loganberry books one day w/ Mark (and if you're in the cleveland area, you need to go in there...its on Larchmere...just the kind of darkish, dustyish, mismatched furniturish, crazy book collection place any nerd could settle right in to) and i found a cookbook he had done. Over come by nostalgia and the promise of learning how to make all sorts of american favorites, and i had to buy it. and guess what...i made muffins from scratch yeterday! i even used the mixer. the recipe sounded kinda gross, but it turned out pretty good. i guess that basically just means that i don't cook from scratch enough and therefore have no clue what goes into a good recipe. i'll just have to cook more often.

what's probably even more impressive is that i immediately cleaned it all up. now, that's crazy.

there was a girl at initiation practice tonight in a juicy couture sweatsuit, or whatever you call a sweatsuit when its juicy. now, i imagine there were probably some sisters who could afford such a thing when i was in the house...but did you ever see them wearing such craziness? ah well...they were fairly well behaved...they are sure as heck more on time than we ever were...

there's been a minor but still slightly interesting change to the initiation wording...ask me if you're interested.



i just started re-reading that last post, and despite what my spelling looks like, i am not drunk in the least. i just can't spell, and often times my fingers just type out familiar letter combinations whether they need to be there or not...hence the phrase "in generaly", which i also mispelled, as i see in closer inspection. eesh.

hooray for a capella!

thank you endlessly for the many offers on the a capella front...

to answer you tall bulkly, no preverences particularly, though i have noticed in my browsings on itunes lately that, in genearly, i enjoy the ameture (college) groups more than the professionals. there's just something about rockapella that i cannot get into at all...the nylons are sometimes ok, and i actually do enjoy the king's singers quite a bit.

but at any rate, anything you have around and is convenient for you to pass along at a time of your choosing, i would love to have and promise to make good use out of it. i don't get a radio signal in my apt (helllllloooooo, basement) and use my computer/internet for all forms of audio entertainment.

treats (once they are thought of) in return for you! :-)

had a reasonable day off. spent a total of about 2 hours getting eye exam and choosing new glasses, during which i managed to stretch even the elastic patience of Mark. If at all possible, you don't really want to go shopping with me, as I am a really slow decision maker, even more so when trying to choose a major part of my wardrobe all the while not being able to see myself. but, in the end, new glasses are now had, and i am even more well aware that i am completely blind. despite "thin lens technology" and smaller frames than i had before, these suckers are still pretty durn thick at the edges. lord.

anyone in the the cleveland area want an entertainment book? the near east alum group is selling them. $25 until nov 30. i picked mine up today, and it's way thicker than i had imagined, only having had one in the house before when i was in KY. there's a crap ton of stuff in there, and if i may say, the bookstore ones alone total $45 (three bookstores), if you're worried about getting your $$$ back. Lemme know if you want one and i'll put you in touch with their prez.