
a pause for a message from our sponsers

ok...just added a comment verification thing. don't be afraid of it. i was getting weirdo fake comments, so hopefully making you guys type squiggly letters while make that stop. rock on.

you love me, you really love me!!

hi ladies (and gentleman)

i will lay my dorkiness out for you and say how idiotically happy it makes me that you read my blog! i read your blogs too!

and no...this isn't exactly a super-secret blog. i did email some people when i started this one, but i think it remained a bit hidden because the change was not made on THE one list all the COOL kids are on (my old blog is/was still linked from liz's blog). i haven't checked, but since liz did comment, i think it's entirely possible that she's found me and that i'm one of the cool kids again.

yay for you guys, and yay for saturday! official evite is coming, i swear, as soon as i get on that and stop being a toolhammer, as carrie says.

but while i'm at it, this is the gist:

the theme is girl therapy. my apartment will likely be a bit or a lot of a mess. but you're coming to see me, not my apartment, and most of you saw my room(s) in the house, so you're used to it.

@ 12 noon @ AXO there's a BBQ. write to candice if you are going (carrie, i told her abt you and me)

after that, it's an afternoon of whatever. call to join if you're in town 'n stuff.

around 7, food at my place. will not be "meal" food per se, but probably enough to make dinner out of . rush and AXO favorites welcome but not at all required. BYOB. non-booze available. also bring pics or other memory stuff. i'm going to try and get my scanner up and running so that we can share some stuff around. the idea of a communal scrap book has been floated, and i figure that might be a good first step. gossiping on my floor until we pass out. the usual. hopefully special guest appearence by Mark so that everyone who hasn't had a chance can inspect him.

all are welcome to crash on my empty floor. check out time is 12 noon sunday at the latest. i gotta go to work. boo!

um...if you don't have my celly, check the evite or call somebody else :-)


overthinking it.

lately i've been on this kick where i feel i have to be organized and official and communicative about everything. granted, being official and communicative has it's vague advantages at work, assuming anyone is paying attention when i do so, but otherwise it tends to turn into organizational fluff. i have nice to-do lists of things at my case job and at home (at jo-beth i mostly just fling myself at whatever seems the biggest impending disaster at the moment), but i find that usually, those lists take about as much energy and time as the actual tasks would if i would just go ahead and do the already. basically, i think my brain is trying to trick me into thinking i'm very busy and important by putting into place all these new systems to house almost no information.

the boss (@ case) asked me to work the front desk today as both of the other administrators are out sick. this is no problem, but since all my files are on my own computer which refuses to play nice on the network, short of emails tons of docs or burning them or whatnot, i'm left with a cute, meticulous, pointless to-do list (see above paragraph) and no actual work to do. I may create a ride sign up sheet (which no one requested) for the department picnic in a couple weeks, just for the sake of having something to email about that i did today.

seems like there's lots of stuff going on, i'm just not sure where. i think there's a lot of stuff going on around me that i can't attend or isn't coming up until later but it's already my mind. i'm still planning to open up the invite to whomever would like to come up on the 27th and hang out, and boy do i have a lot of cleaning to do before that! that might actually be worthy of a to-do list.

school year is gearing up, which means more stuff at case and more stuff w/ AXO. maybe my brain just knows i'm going to have to be organized in a month or so, and is trying to get a head start.


why yes, i am five years old...

it's a good 12:45 am, and i just got up and pulled my bed away from the wall because of the rather large spider that i just caught out of the corner of my eye...


testing...testing...can anybody hear me...

ok, people...this is the real test to see if any one reads my blog, or instead to test how many of you talk to carrie on a regular basis, as she knows this little tid bit already.

bri and jon have been engaged for almost a year and will get married in a little over a year.

now, close your mouths and keep reading about my life, which is the real reason you're here, right?

so, i'm unfortunately a little (sometimes a lot) fed up with my bookstore job. this sucks, because i like the work i do, i don't like the store where i do it or the company to which the store belongs. I also like some of my co-workers on a personal level (not just the obvious one) and somehow over the past almost two years have become somewhat attached to the place. This, I'm sure, is what prevented me from bailing earlier and what makes it somewhat upsetting now.

and so, I find myself with the scary prospecct of looking for another job when I still don't really now what i want to do with myself. aside from draggin on and on about it, there's really not much more i can say at the moment.

i am determined to make my apartment at least a little cool for zero or very few dollars, because that is about how much money my conscious will allow me to spend on that project at the present time, especially with the whole "i wanna quit my job" thing going on. I've been looking around for ideas, asked my sister the queen of visuals to meditate on it and bought some very cheap and generic books that also happen to have instructions for some of the basic furnishings, accessories and decorations one might endeavor to make oneself. and seriously, they were books for 70 cents. if there's one decent idea or pattern in each, it's worth it. some goes for all those 70 cent cookbooks i've been buying.

i am still contentedly one half of a couple of geeks, something i still have a hard time believing after my 4 1/2 year solo stretch. yay for nerdy boys who treat me nice and let me abuse them slightly when i am in foul mood on occasion.