
good customer service

it's sunday afternoon. i'm standing attentively behind the help desk, waiting anxiously for a customer to require my help.

one such customer approaches:

what i heard the customer say: "is there a manager around here?"

what oh-so-helpful me says: "i am one, how can i help you?"

customer looks very disturbed. "you're a men's room?"

the customer was not asking for a manager.



i've hardly done jack-piddley at (case) work today.

updated the student directory this morning and sent it out for them to correct. That's the whole of my work related accomplishments today, unless you count cleaning out/deleting/organizing a whole year's worth of email on my Case account, cause some of those emails I moved around did have to do with work. I've also worked on my resume (actually started a new one from scratch 'cause I can't located a paper or working electronic copy, still haven't really unpacked so much), which makes me feel a little bit guilty, especially since I'm not sure if I'll have to leave this job or not if I were to be offered the I'm writing the resume for.

However, such good times will not likely last forever. Having received a random phone from other work a few minutes ago, I am now informed that things there are a "little hairy." great. that place would be a lot more fun to be in charge of if something or someone wasn't always breaking, quitting or screwing up royally in some spectacularly original and hard to decipher fashion. if i'm really lucky, someone will also have called off so i'll have to be the manager AND work one of the counters.

should probably find something to talk about in this blog beside work.

i found the lid to the yankee candle that i previously thought was stolen. the candle might still be stolen, but it offers a minor glimer of hope that i just lost the darn candle, which is not entirely outside the realm of possibility. i remember thinking about the moving it, just not actually moving it. and considering whoever it is stole my toilet paper, i don't think anything would be too petty for them.


thank the good lord for days off...

...because at this point i don't think i could do anything productive even if i'd wanted to.

the only slight plan Mark and I had for today was to take a walk around in Lakeview. We came upon this thought because a customer who came in yesterday had quite the lengthy conversation with Mark about all the interesting things there are to be found in Cleveland area cemetaries.

It's about 7pm, and have we done even that? nope. after sitting around for quite a while we figured we could stop at the store and get picnic food and walk and picnic at Lakeview. However, after getting sucked into Costco we were so hungry that we just picniced in Mark's living room. We could have gone walking after that, on the way to a drive-in on the west side (which is the evening plans), but so far we haven't done that either and at this point won't have time. i think it'll be straight to the drive-in, as soon as we find all the proper drive-in listening equipment. i'm totally looking forward to movie popcorn, yo.

it's been a darned good day. :-D totally spoils me for the other six days of the week when I have to work. blech.

Costco is kinda cool. It's crazy what that have in there. I found these little individually wrapped soft swiss cheese things that Claire introduced me to back in the day. I hadn't had them in at least a year. And I was remined of what Liz and Kristen are getting for their housewarming when the time comes. I'd seen these things in other stores, but was just reminded becauase they have them at Costco too. Hopefully they don't already own one, but it's just so Martha Stewart does football party that they just might!


take this job, take this job, take this job and shove it...

so, sometimes i like my retail job and sometimes, i don't.

in some ways, i like it more now because i often have more somewhat open time to work on projects rather than just answering the phone or running the cash register, or whatnot. on the other hand, being in the position i'm in now lets me see a lot more of the bizzare stuff that's going on the in the company structure above me, and in our relationships with other companies that we pay to do stuff for us.

it's not that i'm an expert in business, clearly...i took all of one class in Weatherhead and it was about java programming...but i really wonder about the fact that my financial well-being is in the hands of these people...or my financial not-so-well-being, given that i have another job.

and now to happier things...

got to go to my first Indian's game yesterday after being offered a last minute ticket that day. I was in about the 21st row, just to the left of home plate. pretty sweet seats, and since i actually have a small clue about baseball, i could pretty much follow what was going on. weather was really nice, too.

i'm nowhere near finished unpacking my apartment. i've purchased all the necessary cleaning supplies, 'cept a vacuum (but am i really going to use it...), but haven't really made any strides in organizing. i think it's the lack of furniture that's holding me back. i have too much room to pile stuff. i did unpack all the kitchen-related boxes tonight, though. but that just means that i have a mound of stuff in the sink. i also found a cool use for a hanging storage thing i found at ikea...it's doing a pretty good job of holding ziplocks and kitchen towels and those crinkley grocery bags 'n stuff, since i don't have any drawers in the kitchen. after some measuring and hunting around, i hope to purchase some furniture thing with drawers that will also hold up the microwave, as opposed to having it sit on my only real counter space.

i have to have this cleaned up by the end of the month because my minister, his son, sister and nephew are coming into town to see the Indians vs. Yankees and crashing with me one night. yikes!


in the beginning

so, i've decided that i could wait on myself forever to do things like set up my own webpage/url, whip together a simple blog from scratch in CSS or something. instead of waiting, i think that i kinda like liz'n'kristen's blogs, so i'm going with this service.

the problem i have with blogging services is that i can never find one that will let me put stuff exactly where i want it. i'm hard to please.

hopefully, now that i have a working computer again, have been on IM, have actually exchanged a few personal emails on an account other than @cwru.edu, i will be motivated by all this technology use to keep up a little bit with a blog. since i like to read other people's blogs (people i know, anyway) i will pretend that there are people out there who will want to read mine, or at least set it up as an RSS feed so they will get notified if i update it...it's lazy, but that's what i do!