
life is a highway...

even kinda crappy music sounds pretty awesome on your car radio on a sunny, warm day, yes?



who's gone

so...it turns out that i actually do have a myspace profile and i had just forgotten about it for several months, or something.

now that i'm back to looking at it (i can't comment on other myspace blogs unless i'm signed in, etc), i notice that my profile says that i have 5 friends (yes, i'm lame). however, there are only 4 people listed.

did someboday unfriend me? is the fifth one that myspace owner guy? did someone fall of the myspace cliff and die?

i have no clue.


learning every day

I bought a pedometer recently, and it arrived in the mail last week.

Thanks to this strategic purchase, I have learned today that the walk from my desk to the vending maching two buildings over in Rockefeller is about 550 steps. I would have only gone about 30 steps, but the vending machine right near my office was out of Cheez-Its.

At 550 steps, that theoretically means that if I could make the Cheez-It trip about 19 times a day, I would get my recommended 10,000 healthy steps per day. I didn't realize how little that really is until now and my 3 building frame of reference. I should totally be able to do that every day...man I'm a slack ass.

But, this is why I bought the pedometer, so that I can have a digital readout of my being a slack ass. Mission accomplished.

This also means that I should hide better snacks in my desk, considering I'm willing cut through two buildings, various staircases, etc, to get Cheez-Its.


what'd i do?

you now what's hard about email? you have NO idea how the other person is reacting.

so there's this little flurry of email going around about whether or not the chapter could use some more ritual equipment (answer is yes, definately). Now, I haven't participated in such conversations with MTM for a while, 'cause for one, i don't have a computer right now and it's an all-virtual thing, and some other stuff. not the point.

so there's email chatter, and then i reply, and there's silence. did i say something really stupid? i basically commented on the state of the budgets 'n stuff when i was last in charge of initiation...which wasn't really all that long ago.

anyway, i just thought i'd share that now i feel really paranoid and silly 'cause i appereantly killed the conversation with a bunch of people i wasn't even in the same room with at the time. man, i'm good.


freshly showered kiddie porn

so, i was going to do the google image thing from Carrie's blog 'cause i thought it might be funny. But then, I got a little stuck on "favorite smell." I couldn't think up a different favorite smell than mountain lake, and i didn't want to copy.

so i came up with the fantastic idea of searching "freshly showered boy" instead, thinking that might bring some really amusing results. unfortunately it only brought up pictures of minors without shirts. they weren't really porn-y pictures, but still i decided it might just be best to skip the whole thing.

someone sprayed so much air "freshener" in the staff bathroom that it's ON me. i finished being in the bathroom a good half hour ago, and i can SMELL it on myself. i have no idea how to remedy this.

there was fruit in snarf!

Some sage advice...

Just in CASE...you're participating in Greek Week
From the Observer, by Wes

So it's Greek Week again. Though it is very exciting for most people, it can be a stressful time also. People tend to get worked up over all kinds of issues, some big, some not so big. So how do you maintain your sanity through all of this? Here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Remember to have fun Sometimes we forget this. That's why we have Greek Week. Don't get caught up in all the drama: it's just a game.

2. Referees make mistakes This isn't the NBA and the people refereeing are not professionals. As a matter of fact, this might be the first time they've refereed a Greek Week event. So cut your peers some slack. By the way, I don't ref.

3. No one is out to get you. There is not grand scheme to knock your chapter out of the running. No one hates you, has a vendetta against you, or wants to punish you or torture you in some demented way.

4. Get some sleep You do no one any good when you are cranky. As a matter of fact, people just want to avoid you. Oh, and eat some fruit.

5. Don't complain about the rules We have them because people are always trying to get around them, so if you think there are too many, start being reasonable during the events and stop looking for ways around them.

6. Take is easy on people running things They are volunteering their time. They get nothing for this so be pleasant if you can.

7. Balance your life There is more going on this week than Greek Week. Make sure you don't lose sight of your priorities and why you are at Case.

8. Don't take yourself too seriously This is fun, damn it!

9. The ultimate goal of Greek Week is to celebrate being Greek So have the goal to be the best you can be other than being first.



Author Anne Lamott spoke on campus today, and I was there to sell the books. She's an independent spirit, not to mention a middle-aged white woman with sweet blondish dreads spiking out from her head in all directions.

These are the two best things I overheard her say during her lecture, from my position just outside the main room of Amasa Stone:

"Everyone is Loved and Chosen...even Dick Cheney."

"It is only 1/6billionth about you."

What makes these comments even a little better is that she was talking about teaching a young children's Sunday school class...these were things that were in her head, as opposed to things she actually told said young children. I might just have to buy one of her books. I've heard that the title of her most recent one, "Plan B", refers to that fact that she needed a personal plan b after her desire that George W not get elected (or re-elected?) did not come true. Hurray for Democrats who teach sunday school to young children.


my friends are overachievers...

not that i didn't know that you ladies were all very talented people, but most of you keep up with your two blogs more than I keep up with my 1 plus psuedo-book 1.

course...you're all vastly more interesting than am i ;-)