

i've hardly done jack-piddley at (case) work today.

updated the student directory this morning and sent it out for them to correct. That's the whole of my work related accomplishments today, unless you count cleaning out/deleting/organizing a whole year's worth of email on my Case account, cause some of those emails I moved around did have to do with work. I've also worked on my resume (actually started a new one from scratch 'cause I can't located a paper or working electronic copy, still haven't really unpacked so much), which makes me feel a little bit guilty, especially since I'm not sure if I'll have to leave this job or not if I were to be offered the I'm writing the resume for.

However, such good times will not likely last forever. Having received a random phone from other work a few minutes ago, I am now informed that things there are a "little hairy." great. that place would be a lot more fun to be in charge of if something or someone wasn't always breaking, quitting or screwing up royally in some spectacularly original and hard to decipher fashion. if i'm really lucky, someone will also have called off so i'll have to be the manager AND work one of the counters.

should probably find something to talk about in this blog beside work.

i found the lid to the yankee candle that i previously thought was stolen. the candle might still be stolen, but it offers a minor glimer of hope that i just lost the darn candle, which is not entirely outside the realm of possibility. i remember thinking about the moving it, just not actually moving it. and considering whoever it is stole my toilet paper, i don't think anything would be too petty for them.


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