
today is sunday

except, that it's tuesday.

several things conspired to make me completely convinced for a few moments that today was sunday.

at least i'm assuming that it would take more than one thing to completely throw me off, but maybe not.

i don't know why i'm so disoriented.

i have to find something to wear to my cousins wedding. really. i'm going all the way to aurora to try and make sure that happens. i can always find something there. i bought a skirt at kohl's the other day, and it's a cute skirt...on somebody who knows how to wear trendy, cute things. since this is not me, i'm going to go find my self something more my speed at ann taylor. blah.

i have to pact to go to ky. i have to remind my mother than i'm definately coming to ky.

the university xmas holiday is now dec 24 though jan 2 (including weekends) holy crap. paid holiday, mind you, paid holiday. i think it also helps that they can just leave the heat and lights off for a week and a half. thing that sucks...oh yeah, my other job that is never friggin' closed, damn them. i'm still going home for xmas and all, but not nearly for all that week or anything. maybe i can get some switches and stretch it out...


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