
i breathe in on the tick, and out on the tock...

found a good college a capella copy of 'insomniac' on itunes. life is temporarily complete (like, 'til listening to it on repeat gets old...between 5 minutes a month from now).

does anyone still have a good stash of college a capella on their machine that i might be able to filch or have you burn for me? i've fried a couple different boxes since leaving campus, and i'm 99% sure mine all gone. anything from speakeasy on out :-)

work was rough today. no joke, about 1/3 of the staff called off or managed to be quite late. and then came the trick-r-treaters, and the running out of candy, and the people who can't do stuff by themselves so that i need to help them do their stuff instead of doing my own stuff. %^&%^$$@#%$^%^#%%$^*&$$#@^#%%$^%*$-ing people. one upshot - very "outspoken" woman whom i spent about 20 minutes on the phone with (all told) saw fit to tell me that she could tell that i really needed a raise (how could she tell?), and that i was very smart, unlike the usual morons she gets on the phone when she calls places, and asked why i was wasting all this talent selling books (selling books is very admirable and all, she said, but what was i thinking). what am i thinking indeed. good question. i generally don't do this, 'cause it seems really tacky, but this women was a bit garish herself, and when she hinted at it, i made free to tell who just to whom she could report my excellent service (which found me wandering all the heck over LV in search of an answer to an unanswerable question). not that being better than most other people at something will get me paid any more. i would have to threaten to leave during a time when the company wasn't walking a "oh god, when will it be christmas" financial line, or be married, or get knocked up. it's the getting married and getting knocked up parts that really piss me off...let's reward two extremely easy, basic human tasks with more money, instead of actual job releated stuff. that may reek a bit of social darwinism to some people, i realize, but once i find a food chain that i might actually have a chance at being on top of, i think i might just stick with it for a little while, be it kind or right or humane or not.

thank friggity goodness i managed to get a vacation day on tuesday, although i'll probably catch some kind of bullshit for it when i get back. *mental flipping off of person who will give me crap for daring to take a day off, but whom i can't actually flip off, being as they are my boss* i'll get to do fun stuff and relax with activities like...getting an eye exam. *pokes self in eye w/ stick so that they will have something unique to examin*

if you're still with me after all that, you're probably one of like 2 people who will get this treat at the end of the crap:

check out mimi smartypants. she's a blogger someplace ( i forgot already) who has a book coming out. mark grabbed an advance copy and i was reading a little bit recently. he can confirm that i snorted aloud frequently. i don't remember what date the book started at, but i would just recommend jumping to the oldest post and reading. she's funny and completely out her mind, like actually dabbled in meds to help be more chemical balanced, but found that they made her way too horny and had to quit. reminds me of some of my favorite ladies :-) (the out of her mind part, not the too horny to live part. mostly.)

mimi smartypants

insomniac play count on itunes...7 and still going strong...i get into obsessive, comfort zone, repetative mode when i get really stressed out. so, i can totally understand why lauren used to do crap like that, i just don't understand why she had to use ever lovin' b. spears songs in order to try to calm her crazy. it also might have been easier if she had just admitted that she was a nutter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have tons of a capella. I can burn you a cd for send you the files anytime your little heart desires. :)


9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, ditto the tons'o'a capella. Any particular requests?


10:20 PM  

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