
old lady joke

ok, this happened about two weeks ago, but i meant to blog it then, so i may as well go ahead and do it now, since i remembered.

i was in target, waiting the checkout line. the elderly woman in front of me was being very chatty with the check out lady, who was being very nice about it. it seemed like one of those things where the older woman was just enjoying talking to someone who would listen.

after a moment, she moved on, and the checkout lady started working on my stuff. after about 30 secs, the older woman comes back and kinda lurks beside me where the checkout woman isn't noticing her. i figure the older woman just has some sort of problem with her purchase right?
at least i assume so, as she waited there for about a minute and a half.

once i moved down to the very end to use the credit card reader thing, the older woman steps around me so that she can once again face the checkout lady.

and after waiting for like a minute and a half, all the while practically standing on top of me, this is what the older lady says to the check out lady:

older lady: "do you like chinese food?"
checkout lady: "yes, i do like to get chinese food sometimes"
older lady: "when i have chinese food, i always order my favorite dish: sum yung guy."

check out lady and older lady have a laugh about that, and older lady, now appearently satisfied, makes her way out of target.


ok...i fiiiiinnaaalllly fixed the link to carrie's blog. i know that you are all dissappointed to have a short cut straight to her sweet ass in cartoon form, but i thought it was time that i stopped being lazy.

i'm off to initiation practice. Devon (current warden), whom i've never met, does seem rather dedicated based on my email communication with her, and just the fact that she'll actually makes a point to answer me when i email her!

falling down on the blog...

i know that's probably not even funny, but i didn't sleep very much last night, and when that phrase occurred to me, i just couldn't help but to type it. sorry :-)

i have been falling down on the blog, the job, and a variety of other things. I was at work (retail) for 11 hours yesterday. good for the paycheck, kinda, not so hot for the rest of me. somehow, yesterday, everything just took forever. people i was vaguely supervising suddenly became completely helpless for five minutes at a time, or had the tendancy to wander off. i was still trying to catch up from the huge shippment of crap that came in the day before. huge shippment of crap is good, 'cause really, a bunch of it is quite the opposite of crappy, but still it takes a while to work through it. luckily, there's a way for me to mark it all, and then come back a couple days later and fix the displays, even if i didn't have time in the first place to actually take to the stuff over to the actually display and blunk it down.


had a minor freakout yesterday. need to either calm down, or decide to move. of course, this changes about every three hours...sometimes i very chill, sometimes sitting in my bed at 3am with the lights on, unable to convince myself to get up and turn off the light...

hmmm...i'm popular today. i'm just been charged with fixing the terrible website, typing something, and then there's the 12 item list of things i wrote down before i left work on Monday. something abt the changing job descriptions around here clearly has trickled down to where i have more to do. i'll take it...it's better than being bored (kinda) and it's not terribly high pressure. doing payroll was high pressure, but after two days i managed to pound it all out and then it was over.

went to IKEA recently. did not find kitchen cart as needed. managed to spend $40, though. mark had ingenious idea of how to fit the shelves AND a cart into the kitchen, so that i don't have to move all the pantry-ish stuff to the potty hallway (which is not actually IN the potty). i didn't really think it would have fit there anyway, and that hallway makes a really good place to store my laundry hampers, i've found. hurray for having a system for at least one thing.



there's a big dent in my metal door, with a foot print in the middle of it. there are weird dents in the wood of the door frame. a screw on the INSIDE of the door which was helping hold part of the chain lock on has had its head sheared off, i found it on the floor.

who the fuck is it that wants to be in here so badly??? i have nothing that really worth much...if you want something that i have that's actually worth a little bit, take the car. it's OUTSIDE.

i swear i'm going to start experiencing weird ass nervous tickets pretty soon. although i'm reasonably convinced that the unknown jackass doesn't really want me in particular, just my stuff, i'm still highly paranoid about the whole thing. highly, HIGHLY ON EDGE. GAAAAAH.



i have a date. i'm going on a real, he's-going-to-pick-me-up date. Not that I really seek such things out, or think they are necessary most of the time, but it's kinda fun every once in a while to get picked up for a real date. tee hee :-)

i forget the name of the restaurant again, for the 8th time, but it's supposed to be nice and I think Mark may have actually spent a little time researching to pick it out. i suppose i could have made a little effort to help plan and not leave all the work to him, given that it's our anniversary (6 mos.), but...well, he's the boy. I'll plan something fun soon, 'cause that's fair.


or i'll post something now.

ok, i lied. i have something to talk about right now.

this may be a bit philisophical, but whatever.

so i'm having a total allergy attack, right? about two hours after i made it to work, i totally don't want to be at work. miserable, icky, etc.

so, i finally decide that the best course of action would be to cross the street to the conveniantly located pharmacy in the bowell builing (@ UH). they do carry a small variety of over-the-counter stuff. i located some heavenly benedryl and was on my way.

this made me think of something, though. i must admit that i was extremely sucked in the hurricane coverage last week. watched lots of videos on MSNBC. out of that, i have a few conclusions:

- i'm very glad that i'm not reliant on any kind of long-term health care (unless you want to count my glasses). should i have the need to go back to "hierarchy of needs" survival mode at any time (aside from things i do to myself, like not getting enough sleep and being zombified trying to focus on "eat, shower, work, eat, shower, work") my needs are thankfully very basic and my survival is not at all tied to where i happen to be living, etc. stemming somewhat from that, i have really begun to consider what kind of impact my mediocre health might have on me if something weird did happen to me, or say, this whole half of the country. when i say mediocre, i don't mean that there's anything really wrong with me, but i am physically out of shape and overweight and not necessarily up to the task of survival in crazy times like the ones people have been having lately.

-i'm also very glad to belong to the more or less middle class. i'm probably sorta lower middle class, but still...as i walking back to work from UH, it occurred to me that i really ought to thank my lucky stars that i have to ability to do the following on a whim: go to ATM machine, take out $20 without really thinkging about it and spend $6 on medicine that it's really not necessary to my survival but merely makes my life more convenient and comfortable and is beginning to give me a nice high. my spelling is always pretty bad, but please excuse me if i'm spelling stuff weird due to medicine head.

at any rate, i cannot even begin to think about what happened to all those people stuck in the hurricane mess and am happy to have the means to do the stuff i do.

now i really have to eat, which maybe will help stabilize my high.

back on the wagon, again...

welp, in response to your inquires as to whether or not i died (isn't it funny that if someone disappears from electronic stuff like IM and blogs you wonder what the hell happened to them?) and since i enjoy reading your blogs and should reciprocate by giving you something to read, i'll write something.

but not really right now. right now i need to go eat something bad for me because i'm being overrun by some allergy thing and don't feel like being healthy. really counter-productive, i realize, but i get grumpy and tend to regress when i'm sick or tired. after eating i will have to work some. then maybe i'll post something qualifying as information, or at least entertainment.