hi ladies (and gentleman)
i will lay my dorkiness out for you and say how idiotically happy it makes me that you read my blog! i read your blogs too!
and no...this isn't exactly a super-secret blog. i did email some people when i started this one, but i think it remained a bit hidden because the change was not made on THE one list all the COOL kids are on (my old blog is/was still linked from liz's blog). i haven't checked, but since liz did comment, i think it's entirely possible that she's found me and that i'm one of the cool kids again.
yay for you guys, and yay for saturday! official evite is coming, i swear, as soon as i get on that and stop being a toolhammer, as carrie says.
but while i'm at it, this is the gist:
the theme is girl therapy. my apartment will likely be a bit or a lot of a mess. but you're coming to see me, not my apartment, and most of you saw my room(s) in the house, so you're used to it.
@ 12 noon @ AXO there's a BBQ. write to candice if you are going (carrie, i told her abt you and me)
after that, it's an afternoon of whatever. call to join if you're in town 'n stuff.
around 7, food at my place. will not be "meal" food per se, but probably enough to make dinner out of . rush and AXO favorites welcome but not at all required. BYOB. non-booze available. also bring pics or other memory stuff. i'm going to try and get my scanner up and running so that we can share some stuff around. the idea of a communal scrap book has been floated, and i figure that might be a good first step. gossiping on my floor until we pass out. the usual. hopefully special guest appearence by Mark so that everyone who hasn't had a chance can inspect him.
all are welcome to crash on my empty floor. check out time is 12 noon sunday at the latest. i gotta go to work. boo!
um...if you don't have my celly, check the evite or call somebody else :-)