

is it more evil for me to be procrastinating at my salary job (which i am doing presently) or at my hourly job? i could go either way.

i am procrastinating right now because i don't want to work on the prep for the upcoming department accreditation review. i think the review is in august, or thereabouts. i will spend all summer doing the most boring, tedious prep work i can presently imagine. all summer. i might take a brief break to prep for orientation, but then i will go back to photocopying, scanning and cataloguing every single piece of paper touched by each of several students in each of at least 10 required courses (if not more) this year. then i will catalogue the scans. then i will load the scans into what amounts to a giant linky wiki thing online that all the engr depts. are using. then i will data-enter a crap-ton of info about our department into said wiki-thing. then i will take all the scans and wiki docs and info and cross-reference them into freakin' infinity.

will the accreditation committee want to use the wiki/portal thing? no answer to that yet, but it seems to have been a fun project for some undergrad in comp sci to take a pre-made platform and build this thing with one of the comp sci profs, so i guess i will have to use it even though it may be entirely in vain.

however, none of the work is actually hard (just numbingly boring and tedious) and i'm being paid no-so-bad for completing it. and hey, if the mountain triples as soon as the semester ends (which i'm really afraid it might...the profs are total procrastination champs, even compared to me) maybe i'll get a little help or extra time out of it. i believe i set the stage for such things perfectly by casually announcing a couple of months ago that a huge ton of work is on its way down the pike in the near future. it made me seem very organized and on top of my job.

so far today i've typed a bunch of grant reviews (actual work), changed a billing address for a credit card, sent a friend of mine some baby gifts via target.com, changed of bunch of my online auto-savings schemes for my ing accounts and now need to buckle down and actually do something for the last 45 mins of the day, darnit.

is it nice outside yet? i heard it was supposed to be nice today, but i haven't seen daylight since i got to work this morning...darned interior office with no windows. i should get my headlight fixed and my oil changed today, but i think i'll postpone that until my friday afternoon break. i'm going to a meeting tomorrow after work, so today might be my only chance to view several continuous hours of sunshine. i really need to get the car work done, though...a nice lyndhurst sergeant pulled me over monday night because one of my headlights is out. good thing it was dark and he didn't notice that i'm driving around with only one license plate. ahem. he let me off with a warning and instructed me sternly to "take care of that." i totally need to move to lyndhurst if blown headlights are the worst thing the cops worry about at 11:30 at night.


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